Spectrogramm of the beginning of the first sequence of Les Songes de la nef.

From Songes to Les Songes de la nef

In les Songes de la nef, Alain Bonardi does not compose a synthetized bell but a bell of bells. The principle of overlapping of 11 sounds remains, but this 11 sounds are no longer sinusoids: they are bell sounds thelmselves, each of them including 11 basic sounds. In this principle of a bell of bells, there are 11 by 11 ie 121 sounds that are sent to the loudspeakers.

These sounds, played together or temporally shifted according time intervals from a few milliseconds to several seconds, enable to create polyphonies. When the 121 sounds are gathered, the installation produces timbres that suggest different instruments, like bells or voices. When they are scattered, the sounds are diffused like in chimes. The spectrogramm herein shows an example of spraying of the 121 sounds in the first sequence of Les Songes de la nef.

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